Gardening is booming, and there are many who have joined to have plants in their home. Today, we are going to see some original and beautiful species that you can plant (both indoors and outdoors) and that will make your home a better space.
Also known as a pink feather, it is a houseplant whose pink flower grows in the form of a spike. Its ideal temperature is between 15 and 25 degrees and they need a lot of light. When watering, the ideal would be once a week.

Aloe Vera
It is a very resistant and easy to care for plant that is also curative since the liquid it provides has numerous beneficial properties for health.

Also read: Tips for a Cheaper Garden
Saffron flower
An outdoor plant that likes to receive the sun and whose flower is very striking and will surely brighten up your garden.

Similar to the daisy but with bi-colored leaves. It needs a lot of suns and can not stand low temperatures despite being an outdoor plant, if you live in a very cold place, better care for it indoors.

This is a very special Anthurium, whose flower is pink and is also a beneficial plant, since with each sale of the plant, three euros are donated to GEICAM, an entity that promotes research on breast cancer. It is an indoor plant and also very beautiful.

Translated and adapted by Noobuzz staff.
Sources: Facilisimo