It is clear that cactus is the plant of fashion, and rare is who does not have one at home already. Today we bring you the 5 favorite succulent plants of this summer that cannot be missing in your garden.

Marble Rose
Apart from being very beautiful aesthetically as its shape reminds of a rose, it adapts very well and its care is not complicated. The only thing it needs is good sun exposure and a warm climate as much as possible and not to water in abundance.

Mamullara Cactus proliferates
It is one of the easiest cacti to grow and preserve. It blooms in summer with a very beautiful white flower and bears fruit in winter, it also covers large areas in a short time.

The ghost plant or Mother of Pearl
Perhaps the most popular and easy to find succulents, they reproduce quickly and resist very well the lack of water and what they need is: a lot of light, watering every 15 days, and high temperatures.

Also read: Tricks to Make Your Plants Greener
The Little Garden Zebra
It is usually one of the favorites of the fans of this type of plant. It stands out because its leaves combine a green tone with white, emulating the skin of a zebra.

Kalanchoe Tomentosa
Its cultivation is very simple, all you need is sun and water when you notice that the root is already dry.

Translated and adapted by Noobuzz staff.
Sources: Facilisimo