Many people don’t dare to start their urban garden because they are a little impatient and because it requires a lot of work. The waiting time can be slow compared to the pace of the city and is used to just going to the supermarket and having them ready to cook.
However, remember that it is much more nutritious and in a short time it can be more economical to have your own garden. Not all vegetables take months to produce fruit; there are many nutritious, rich, and healthy varieties that can be harvested quite quickly after they have been planted.
Below I will share with you the best vegetables so you can get a good start in your garden.
The cultivation cycle of the radish is the simplest and fastest, from sowing to harvest. It is approximately 25 to 30 days depending on the variety. The seeds are dark brown circular, with a diameter of 5 mm. This crop prefers fresh climates, it is advisable to sow it at the end of July or beginning of August with temperatures of 15-25ºC.

The harvest of the zucchini will be done 40 days after the sowing and will continue according to the growth of the plant for another 40 to 60 days. They are really delicious! Children love them for their somewhat sweet taste when cooked.

Baby carrots
Depending on the conditions of each place and the varieties planted, you can harvest small carrots from 4 to 6 weeks. Some varieties may take a little longer than 5-7 weeks to mature. You can harvest the carrots as you need them, especially in the cooler months.

Just like lettuce, spinach can be ready to harvest in only 30 to 45 days. Watch out! It is important to observe the growth of our plants, at first we can only harvest a few leaves because if we harvest too many it will take time to recover and its growth will be slow.

Also read: How to Create An Interior Garden
The ideal months are spring, from September to October, and also in February. It takes approximately 60 to 70 days from sowing, for fresh consumption, it is harvested with 2/3 of its final size. For pickles, it is from 30 to 40 days and approximately 3 to 5 cm long.

The optimum growth temperature is between 16 and 18°C with a maximum of 30°C. The cultivation begins in seedbeds that can be done all year round but for winter production they are done in February to March with transplanting in April and for transplanting in January the seedbed is done in November. This depends on the variety and its cycle since it can be short, medium, or long. The short cycle goes from 50 to 75 days from transplant to harvest, the medium one from 80 to 120, and the long one more than 150 days.

Long onion
Onion, spring onion, green onion among other names, it is some of the most versatile plants in existence. These onions usually take 6 months to form their bulb while their leaves can be consumed and can be harvested in only 30 to 45 days. They taste delicious as a side dish for soups or to add to stir-fry too – if or when they should be in your garden!

Now that you know some vegetables that you don’t need much time to harvest, you have no excuses! You will see that after starting with some of these you will love it and you will be more patient to wait for your crops.
Translated and adapted by Noobuzz staff.
Sources: Facilisimo