Having a diversity of plants makes your home or space look greener and creates a relaxing atmosphere. This time we will talk about one of the plants that attract a lot of attention because of its shape and its way of getting nutrients: it is known by many as a carnivorous plant.
Next, I will show you some points that you should take into account in order to have the best care and that it can grow in a healthy way.
One of the parts that draw more attention to this plant is its way of getting nutrients since the benefits of their feeding are better development and growth. These nutrients are obtained from insects that land on the plant.
The main characteristic of this plant is that it has tweezers which help to obtain insects. On the inside of these tweezers, there are sticky hairs, which help to contain the prey and to take advantage of every nutrient it offers.
It is not necessary for you to feed them since they instinctively get their own food. You will have to keep it in a place where different insects such as flies, ants, or mosquitoes can cross.

There are different species of this type of plant and each of them will need a different temperature; this is because there will be tropical and non-tropical origins. One of the best known tropical species is the Drosera, which does not tolerate cold and likes to be in warm environments. On the other hand, the Dionea species is not tropical and it is necessary to have it at a temperature of 5 °C during its hibernation months.

This is one of the most important factors since there is a material which is preferred by this plant. It chooses to use plastic containers since they are resistant, durable, and exist in different sizes. This helps as it grows there may be the option of changing the pot. It also helps to maintain humidity in a better way.

Also read: Cold Weather Plants
This type of plant will need to be kept in constant watering, as they prefer to stay wet most of the time. This environment can be achieved in different ways; one is by having a humidifier in the room or another option is to dust the leaves by adding distilled water. Add this mixture to the pot and finally keep it constantly watered by covering it with about 2 centimeters of water.

Amount of light
These types of plants are generally light-loving and require a lot of sunlight for at least 5 hours a day. It is not recommended to have them in shady places since it will not be beneficial for them and you will put their health at risk.

Translated and adapted by Noobuzz staff.
Sources: Facilisimo