A genus of trees of the family of the myrtle of which there are about 700 species. Its scientific name is Eucalyptus from which there are a few types from which you can get health benefits.
It is one of the best-known plants since ancient times for home remedies treating respiratory diseases, flu, colds, and others. To obtain its benefits it is mainly used its leaves which are a type of globulus that contains anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant properties.
Originally from Australia, it is recognized for being a tree with large dimensions that adapts very well to different temperate regions, which is why its use has spread. In Spain, this tree is used a lot due to the great absorption of water from part of its roots which eliminates swampy areas.
Depending on each plant, research must be done to determine which parts of the plant will provide its benefits. For eucalyptus, only its leaves are used; cut them diagonally without reaching the stem.

Freshly cut leaves should be used for inhalations. In a container with water, you will take it to the fire until it boils and adds the leaves that you can crush to give off more of their essence. I recommend that you lean over the head with a towel to the container once removed from the fire to not let the steam escape and take full advantage of it. This way you will be taking deep breaths until no more steam comes out. Repeat as many times as necessary, it is a natural plant and will not have repercussions for your health. You will see that from the first time you will feel improvement in your respiratory tract.

Dry leaves are used for the infusions; these can be cut and left on a kitchen towel until they turn brown. It is recognized the use of eucalyptus infusion to treat the formation of mucus in the bronchial tubes or to gargle. To make the tea you will need a quarter of boiling water and three spoonfuls of leaves, you let it rest for 15 minutes, then with the help of a strainer, you set aside the remains of leaves and sip it.

Also read: 5 Low-Maintenance Plants That Can Make Anyone A Gardening Expert
Its stems and leaves give off a very characteristic aroma and this is due to the eucalyptol glands that are full of it, even when they are dry they still keep their smell, can you believe it?

It gets rid of microbes and bacteria that cause infectious processes. Its essence is the secret ingredient of eucalyptus to help improve cough, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, decongest the lungs and bronchial tubes. It is an efficient natural expectorant.

When included in ointments it will help against rheumatism as it acts to reduce pain over a specific area of the body.

Thanks to its powerful mucolytic it reduces the development of bacteria and microbes. Efficient in the use of gargle or mouthwash for stomatitis and wound disinfectant.

Translated and adapted by Noobuzz staff.
Sources: Facilisimo