How to Install a Ceramic Kitchen Backsplash?

Installing a ceramic kitchen backsplash will definitely add atmosphere to your kitchen. Find out how to proceed with this installation!

Before starting the installation

You must have a precise plan since there are several possible “patterns” to install a ceramic kitchen backsplash. For example, a straight installation (subway style), diagonal, or include a decorative strip. Take the time to plan it, this is what will make the difference between a beautiful job and a sloppy job. Also, you will have to calculate the surface to be covered and count a percentage of loss. Finally, your wall must be straight, solid, dry, and clean. Prepare the surface if necessary. For example, if you put the ceramic kitchen backsplash on an already painted wall, you can sand it lightly. Of course, protect the top of your countertop before starting this project.

Which ceramic tiles to use?

It is possible to use any type of ceramic tile for your ceramic kitchen backsplash: for wall or floor! The only restriction (recommendation) for backsplashes is not to use tiles with too much texture for easy maintenance. For example, fake brick.

These tools will be essential for the installation of your kitchen backsplash.

  • Sponge
  • Notched trowel
  • Rubber tile scraper (smoothing machine)
  • Ceramic cutter
  • Measuring tape
  • Square
  • Pencil
  • Bubble level
  • Glue and grout

Also read: How to Integrate Geometric Tiles Into Our Decor

Installing a ceramic kitchen backsplash

  1. Use a spirit level to draw a straight line so that you are level. Tip: You can place a tile on a crosspiece to measure the correct distance to draw the guideline.
  2. Apply ceramic glue with the notched trowel on a small area to start. Tip: To aerate the glue with the notched trowel, hold it at a 45-degree angle.
  3. First lay the tiles in the first row. Apply light pressure to glue the tiles and make sure it is straight. Tip: The first row is critical. It must be perfectly straight and level. It becomes the guide for all the other rows. After installing the first row, evaluate your work and readjust if necessary.
  4. Place the braces between each tile. The size of the spacer will correspond to the thickness of the grout. Tip: If the spacers fall off and irritate you, use small nails that you can drive lightly into the wall between each tile. The diameter of the nail will correspond to the thickness of the grout.
  5. Install all other rows.
  6. Measure and cut the tiles (if necessary). Tip: Apply adhesive directly to the tile in tighter areas. Apply pressure on your pieces to ensure that the adhesive does its job properly.
  7. Allow time for the adhesive to dry. Allow a minimum of 12 hours before finishing with grout. Some specialists even suggest allowing 24 hours or more to dry.
  8. Apply the grout. It is suggested to let dry about 5 minutes before washing. Do small parts at a time.
  9. Smooth the grout with the tile squeegee. Hold the tool at 45 degrees.
  10. Clean with a large sponge. You may need to change your water more than once for the best results.

Translated and adapted by Noobuzz staff.

Sources: Canalvie