When we look for alternatives to enlarge our garden, ideas and options begin to emerge, among them we find thinking about how to plant cape gooseberries, a fabulous plant with a very unique small fruit, but that requires certain essential care to ensure proper growth, which is why we decided to create this article to guide you in your planting.

How to germinate the seeds
To begin the process of how to sow cape gooseberries the first step is to achieve that the cape gooseberry seed manages to germinate, this seed can be extracted from the same fruit or bought from your trusted specialized store. Once you have the seeds you must place them in a plastic container, where they will go through a fermentation process for at least 24 hours.
Then, wash them very well with water and place them in a napkin or absorbent paper in a place with enough shade for 8 days until they are completely dry. Afterward, they can be sown in a seedbed and after being in it for a month, transfer them to small bags or pots for 30 more days, where they will be ready to be transplanted to the soil.
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Transplanting process
Once the time given in the previous step of the process of how to sow cape gooseberries in seedbed will be time for transplantation, this should only be done when the plant has 3 or 4 leaves and has reached a size of between 15 and 20 cm. In this step it is important to know that the best way to transplant is to add a little homemade organic fertilizer at the bottom of the hole where the plant will be planted, which is a short time will be providing you with delicious fruits for your dishes with cape gooseberries.
Ideal climate
Another point to take into account in how to sow cape gooseberries is the climate, this plant should not be planted in very hot climates or extremely cold, the ideal temperature being between 15 and 20 ° C, with a moderate watering period.
Translated and adapted by Noobuzz staff.
Sources: Facilisimo