How to Position Your Furniture Well in The Living Room

For many people, arranging furniture in rooms is not a simple matter. In order to avoid unbalancing and overloading the room, one must first analyze the architecture and the volume of the space.

Architectural elements

The windows

They should not be obstructed, but a low-back sofa can be placed with a minimum clearance of 10 inches to allow for the addition of curtains and to release the heat source.


It is absolutely necessary to avoid obstructing them. If you place a piece of furniture nearby, make sure there is enough clearance to open the door.

Openings to other rooms

As with doors, one must avoid compromising traffic by placing furniture directly in front of them. However, a sofa or chair can be placed in front of an opening, as long as there is room to move around it.

The Fireplace

This showpiece must be prominently displayed and the layout of the furniture must not compromise its importance. It should be your starting point for the room layout and the positioning of the furniture.

Also read: Best Handpicked Living Rooms Ideas


There are many ways to position your furniture in the living room. The basic rule is to form an island of conviviality to encourage human groupings.

Parallel positioning

Two sofas are placed face to face (one of the two sofas can be replaced by two armchairs placed side by side).

Right angle positioning

The two loveseats are placed at right angles. The other furniture (tables, chairs or ottoman) can then be placed to accompany the sofas.

Small trick before buying new furniture

Make a scale plan on graph paper and place doors, windows, fireplace, and measure the furniture or other items you wish to keep. Bring your plan to the furniture retailer. There, you can measure the furniture you like and see if it fits easily into your space.

Small tips in bulk

To avoid accentuating the effect of length, we will place the furniture on the wide. The large sofa will therefore be placed perpendicular to the longest wall of the room.

Otherwise, if the room is very large and long, we can also create additional areas such as a reading corner.

A square room

If it is small, the furniture will be placed following the line of the walls (parallel) and the grouping of the furniture will be at right angles or in parallel. However, if it is very large, the same grouping can be moved to position it at an angle in the room.

We must avoid overcrowding the room and favor a more refined layout.
Be careful not to align all the furniture to the walls, leaving a large empty space in the center. Instead, group your furniture together and clear the walls.
In short, if you are planning your spaces and thinking about buying new furniture, take the time to plan your purchases according to your space and your lifestyle.

A living room or lounge can sometimes serve several purposes (relaxation area, a computer station, multimedia, etc.). It is often possible to integrate them, but it all comes down to planning. To do so, you may need the assistance of a designer who can guide you in the development of a functional layout plan adapted to your needs.

Do you have a crush on a superb modular sofa? Take meticulous measurements or ask the retailer to provide you with them and then check with the measurements of your room to see if it can be easily integrated.

And for those who want to rearrange their room with existing furniture, have fun trying out new positions by moving your furniture around. If you don’t come up with anything worthwhile, it may be because you have too much. You have to make choices and store the excess.

Happy decorating!