Flowers can induce positive emotions. Similarly, contact with nature is believed to play a key role in health, for example, in activities such as gardening. With this in mind, choosing to add colorful and even fragrant plants to the environment can be rewarding and can be useful for general well-being. As for the selection of plant species and the criteria to be used, these, besides covering psychological aspects, can include elements linked to ecological services such as pollination.

The dahlia is a plant native to Mexico, which stands out for being its national flower. It has a great number of varieties, reaching more than 50 thousand registered. One of its most outstanding characteristics is its flowers, which exhibit an incredible chromatic variety, so they can aesthetically become an element worth admiring. As for its cultivation, they prefer abundant sun and places protected from the wind. Its reproduction is achieved through seeds, cuttings or division of the tubers.

They belong to the plant genus Passiflora. They include rich and nutritious fruits such as curuba, passion fruit, and passion fruit. With respect to their care, they are plants generally considered resistant. Their preferential location is outdoors, in semi-shade. Care should be taken to avoid waterlogging during watering as their roots can rot.

Zinnia is the name of a genus of annual plants in the family Asteraceae. Among its known species, the St. Michael’s flower stands out, an ornamental group with improved varieties of different colors, shapes, and sizes. It can reach up to 1 meter high (up to 2.5 meters in cultivated plants) and requires good solar lighting and care to avoid excess humidity or watering.
Also read: Ideas to Decorate Your Garden With Style

Azaleas are shrubs of the botanical genus Rhododendron, widely cultivated for their flowers. Among its characteristics is the possibility of crossing species to generate hybrids, a practice that has been carried out for hundreds of years. It is a plant of sun, shade, or half shade, being possible to have it indoors. Its reproduction is produced from cuttings or seeds.

The genus Lantana is a group of plants from the Verbenaceae family. As for the species, one of the best known is the cariaquito, also called blood flower. It is described as an aromatic shrub that can reach 2 meters high. Its flowers are usually orange or yellow, shades that change to scarlet red as they mature. Its preferred location is in full sun; it can be kept in pots and is considered undemanding and easy to maintain.
Translated and adapted by Noobuzz staff.
Sources: Genial