Trends are ephemeral, and we know it! Nothing remains static, and the evolution of our lifestyles, aspirations and interests means that the way we furnish our interiors is bound to be in constant evolution. In spite of our evolving needs, we will inevitably go backward in terms of style. Nostalgia? Human beings are inspired by the past to look forward. It is this need to return to our roots and to taste what the past has to offer. Avant-garde trends are almost always inspired by the past.
I’ve been hearing about this return to fabulous eighty’s in decorating for some time now, and I’ve been taking a more serious look at the subject. Today, I’m pleased to share with you the fruit of my research, by presenting you with the five clues that indicate that the 80s will make a strong comeback in our interiors!
Who would have thought that MC Hammer pants, fluorescent clothing, big glasses, big hair, and shoulder pads would make a comeback? Trends are often set by fashion. And what you see in stores, on the street, or on the stars could be a good indicator of what the decorating trends will be!

Technology in our decors
Technological devices are getting smaller and more efficient. And yet, we like to integrate vintage-looking models into our decors to plug-in our devices.

See also: Vintage Decoration 101: Learn The Key Elements
White, pastel, and neon colors
Decorations inspired by the famous Miami Vice series, all in white, neon, and pastel colors have already made a strong comeback.

The return of brass
Gilding is very trendy, and we integrate it cheerfully into our decorations through lighting fixtures, door handles or cabinet doors, decorative objects, or even accent furniture. Typically 80’s!

Today’s creations, inspired by the 80’s
Inspired by the famous Rubik’s cube, or by the icons of the ’80s, famous designers are having a blast!

No matter what you think, this return is undeniable! It remains to be seen if you will adopt it!
Translated and adapted by Noobuzz staff.
Sources: Canalvie