What is pastel?
Pastel colors consist of a base of pure white, colored with one of the primary colors in order to obtain a lighter version of the original color pigments. By varying the number of color pigments in the white base paint, a variety of shades of the same hue are obtained. The presence of white prevents the intensity of the color from becoming too dominant.
Whether pink, blue, mint, or peach, these soft shades are always very soothing. You just need to know how to make them fit into a decor. The ideal is to integrate them into a neutral base, such as white, gray, black, or greige, because an entire room designed with these shades could end up looking too “candy”.
Pastel accessories
Sometimes the pastel touch can be as simple as accessories. A few vases, frames, or a lamp base is enough to soften a room. Also, try a few towels in a bathroom with neutral colors to bring spring in no time. I like this DIY which consists of sticking a small animal on a glass jar lid (a nice recuperative idea) and then painting them with a pastel color. A nice idea for treats or in the baby’s room to file small objects.

Integrating a single piece of pastel-colored furniture such as a chair, a footstool or a rug is another idea. Don’t be afraid to add an element of color even if it is not found in the rest of your decor. The effect will be more surprising and less “kit” which is much more current. Although all pastel shades are pretty, the most trendy one at the moment is undoubtedly mint, a turquoise diluted with white.
Adding a piece of colored furniture such as a side table or stools is also a nice way to add softness to your decor. You can think about recuperating by spraying a table or even paint an old piece of furniture with a pastel shade. A revamping that brings instant freshness!
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I know it’s pretty daring, but why not cut the uniformity of a kitchen with the addition of one or two pastel-colored cabinets? It creates an interesting block of color that doesn’t go unnoticed and brings originality that is second to none. A great way to follow the trend without falling into bad investments!

Finally, don’t forget that cushions, frames, and other small decorations are undoubtedly the best way to integrate pastel touches in small doses and at low prices. Avoid the “kits” and choose different materials and textures to create warm combinations. Be aware that no matter which pastel hue you prefer, mixing with black, white and grey remains harmonious and contemporary combinations.
Translated and adapted by Noobuzz staff.
Sources: Canalvie