DISCLAIMER: This article is about minimalist home decor ideas, not minimalist living as a whole. However, feel free to incorporate the designs that we have here into your lifestyle.
Minimalistic decor: Throw everything away.
The End.
Ok, so that may have been a terrible attempt at a joke, I’m sorry. It’s not even a helpful one, actually. But with that out the way, let’s look at minimalist ideas for maximum effect for your home.

What do you think of when the word minimalist is said? Nothing, right? Literally nothing? Or that minimalism means nothing-ness? Either way, I believe that you are wrong! Sorry. Well, sorry, not sorry. Sorry because I think you are wrong with the idea of it being nothing-ness, but I am not sorry because if that is what you believe, then you are in the right place. Kudos House is going to put you right. We hope.
Minimalism isn’t just a case of getting all of your stuff and throwing it out. It may be a good start, but it is not what it means. You have to plan minimalism; it has just as much style and character as any other type of decor. However, you have less “stuff.”
The transition between “normal” and “minimal” is going to be a hard one. Before I start, if you know of an easy way to make the transition, skip right to the end and comment before reading, please.
In this article, I am going to give you various ideas about the different types of minimalism; you can use the same concepts throughout the home, though.
Making the Transformation to Minimalism
Let’s be honest straight from the beginning. Unless you are in a position that you can throw everything away and start again, this is not going to be a smooth ride. You will need dedication and commitment from the get-go.
Step one – De-clutter
Sort out your day to day living stuff. Do not tackle your whole house or apartment in one go. You will feel worse off than when you started. Possibly the easiest way to begin the transformation to minimalism is within your daily life. Make a conscious effort to give away, sell, or throw away ANYTHING that you do not need.
Even this step is not going to be easy. I do not even necessarily mean to set out on a mission of minimalism. However, I mean that while you are going about your daily life if you see something that you have not used in, say two months, get rid of it. This act alone, in a few weeks or months, will have sorted out a lot of the actual living space that you use.
Step two – Sort the Storage
Now it is going to be a more difficult task. Storage. As I said above, do not try to do all of your storage areas at once. Tackle one room or area at a time. I have some ample cupboards in my house, and I have found that if I take everything out of them in one go, I get fed up and stop before I have finished. Then I end up putting everything back and think, I’ll do it another time.
So, the moral of my story is not to be like me. Take it slow. However, sometimes, people need to keep things that are against the minimalist approach. Keeping them in storage is the best way for you to do this. I have a large family, so there is absolutely no way I could do without my cupboards, even if it is just for my children’s homework!
Step three – Do the Decor
Whether you have completed stage two or decided to keep your essentials in storage, now it is time for the more satisfying action. Decorating. I am going to presume that now you have got to this stage, you have a very minimalist look while walking around your house. So, do the decor!
Honestly, I do not think that there is a specific way in which you should try to make your home minimalist. But I do recommend that you start with your living room. My reasoning for this is simple; you spend a lot of time in there. You will get used to the idea, and feel the benefits from this room quicker than any other.
Minimalist Decor Ideas
I prefer modern minimalism. Clean, straight lines and sharp corners with some small soft edges. I also think that you should try to keep your rooms bright with light shades and minimal color.
Here are some ideas.
- Brilliant white walls and ceilings with grey or contrasting black accents.
- Use light grey walls with scattered white accents.

- Incorporate white walls and furniture with wooden accents.
Adding Some Color
If you still like the idea of adding a little color, then go for it. But try not to add too much. I think that too much color can take away from the fact of minimalism.
Here are some of the items that I would advise for you to add a little color into your white or grey minimalist living room.
- A white and red single chair
- A fruit bowl with vibrant fruits. (Bananas can add an eye-catching yellow into an otherwise white room.)
- One or two prints mounted on the wall
- Fake or real cherry blossom plant with their beautiful pink flowers.
- A couple of bright cushions placed neatly on the sofa.
- Curtains. Just be careful not to over-do the color or pattern. It can quickly become overpowering.
- A lampshade.
You can mix and match some of the above into your room as you like. The great thing about modern minimalism and color is that having more than one color will look great if you do not put too many colored items in there.
Bohemian Minimalism
If you have been looking through the images above, but think that they are just too “clinical” for you, or you are not the modern type of person but still want the minimalist look, then try out our bohemian minimalism ideas.
By default, Bohemian styles are going to look more “busy” than the modern style. However, you can still get some stunning effects. White, light, and bright are always going to be the majority decision when looking for the walls. However, you can go a little more bold with your accessories.
Take a look at our living room ideas for some “fully bohemian” designs that you can incorporate.
Colors Not Clutter, Decoration not Disorder
When you are starting with a fresh, clean room with the idea of a bohemian style, it could be effortless to go overboard very quickly. Although, if you plan it correctly, this does not have to be the case. The easiest way to avoid this is to decide what you NEED in a room, then go all out on the designs.
Here are some bohemian designs on things that you may feel are necessary.
- Sofas
- Chairs
- Tables
- Beds
- Rugs
- Ornaments
- Framed pictures
Just remember, do not have too many of the things that you own. Quality over quantity is one of the primary considerations here.
Rustic Minimalism
As I have shown, minimalism does not have to be only a new style endeavor. Rustic can be a perfect way to incorporate the ideas of living with less while keeping the coziness that you may want to find in a home. Rustic minimalism can sometimes even give more of an appearance of the lack of necessity for “things” than any other.
For example…
- Instead of using an expensive glass coffee table, why not use a big log?
- Or add some more warmth to the room with wooden furniture and a cream colored theme.
- Completely wooden fixtures such as fireplaces etc. with cream colored soft furnishings
Vintage Minimalism
Vintage minimalism is possibly the hardest style to create. One thing that you have to remember when you are creating a vintage style is that you will not get perfection. Vintage is, by definition, old. This will mean that it will have dents, scratches or other imperfections. This is fine though. DO NOT be tempted to paint it and restore it. If you do this, it will not give you the vintage minimalist look that you want.
Minimalism is not only beautiful, but it is also healthy. Having clear tops of furniture makes them inviting and easy to keep clean at the same time. It is not only your “main living” areas that can be transformed into a minimalist style. You can create this feeling and look in any room of the house.
Before I leave you to ponder the possibilities, take a look at some of the other rooms that you can use minimalism in:

I hope that this has helped you in your quest to de-clutter and get a cleaner, fresher look in your home. Remember, if you have pictures of your house that you would like to share with us, or ideas of how to become a minimalist, leave your comments below or use the contact us page!